Monday, January 4, 2010

Delays, Changes, Breakdowns

Ahoy hoy! 2010 is here! Yay. Got drunk? I didn't. Nevermind.

Issue 5 has been delayed until end of January time due to totally forseeable events and acts of Gods. I've been sent a ton of records I don't have to buy to review (for a change), so I'd like to get it all in this new issue. I've also decided to take some of my free time that I usually allocate to zinecrafting in order to be all depressed and pissed off at the world, you know, to do the whole punk rock nihilism thing. It's working out great.

Anyway, bullshit aside, the race is to have the new issue ready by the SUPER AWESOME gig we are co-promoting with Last Gang In Town for the 6th of February down the Man On The Moon. If you haven't heard, confirmed bands include RANDOM HAND, MOUTHWASH, THE SKINTS and CHRIS MURRAY (with some of his FRIENDS). We'll see about getting some more bands on that bill because a gig at the Man On The Moon without a local band is like sex without a penis/phallic symbol. It just doesn't happen. It will be pretty sweet and we'll have a few surprises for everyone who comes down. Bring your mosh gloves. If you DON'T come down to this show, you might as well cut your (or partner's) dick off. Dom is going to be crucialising in Australia for like a year or so, so come down and get that boy mad drunk, before he sets off for Erinsborough to grind curbs and drink beers.

In case I didn't mention this the new issue will have interviews with NEW TOWN KINGS, YOUTH OF TOGAY, THE TAGNUTS and THE TERRORS. No word from Vanilla Pod, so maybe that will go in the issue after this one. There's some more funny and not-so-funny stuff in it, like how to make a 'zine, what music to listen to and even more reasons why metal is utter crap (except grind/gore and DragonForce, obviously)

We are also down with the idea of getting some shirts or something printed up for it. If you're all artistic and stuff, make up a crucial design and get in touch with us. Don't get too artistic though, because we are going to do these on the cheap, which means a one-colour design. I like the idea of getting a gold print on purple shirts, but obviously that's up for talks.

In the meantime I feel it's my duty to inform everyone that the weather in Athens is super-awesome. It was 25 on New Years and today I almost felt cold enough to have to wear a jumper when I was out hanging in a park downtown. Almost.

- Mr. 5000